Phang Nga Bay is perhaps it is one of the most recognizable places in southeast Asia and for good reason, Phang Nga Bay is outstanding. The bay is noted for its towering limestone islands, beaches, beautiful warm water and the weather of course.
Our journey to Phang Nga Bay was a plane flight to Phuket City, some monster fishing and then a boat ride to Ko Yao Yai island where we spent five days relaxing and beach combing. The view from Ko Yao Yai was of a number of islands in the eastern part of Phang Nga Bay. The only way to access them was by boat so we hired one and the two of us set off to explore one morning. The whole tour including stops was around 6 hours long.

It doesn't take long before you get to a much better view of the islands.

Some islands are imposing indeed.

One of the the must do things when touring these islands is a stop at the Hidden Lagoon of Ko Hong island. The only way in is a narrow passageway through the mountains. Once through the passage you reaslize that you are not the only tourist puttering around the islands! The lagoon itself is absolutely stunning. The idea is that you get a chance to swim in the shallow, warm water and take it all in. It is no wonder that many of the photos you'll see of Phang Nga Bay were taken at the Ko Hong island lagoon.

From there it's all about some more touring along with a couple more stops for a chance to swim, eat lunch, hang out and maybe even see a macaque monkey.