Newly Published

There is no downside to making FIRE your financial goal. Save and invest; become financially independent. Be in a position to retire early; or work longer because you want to.
Try working your retirement income backwards and allocate your investments accordingly. Imagine that most of your income will come from your TFSA (100% tax free) and eligible dividends from a nonregistered account (basically tax free in every province up to about $50,000). Invest just enough in your RRSP so that you can deregister around $20,000 per year (to mirror the Federal/Provincial personal exemptions) between the year you retire and age 65 as a bridge until you collect CPP & OAS. You will pay basically no income tax and maybe get a chance to retire younger having more personal income because of the lower tax burden. We used this strategy and retired more than 8 years ago while still in our 40s. It works.
All of My Books
So many people have asked me what I am going to do with my life having left the corporate world so young. The advice I was given was to follow my passions. That was easy to figure out. I've always known my passions were personal finance and travel.
My latest book, Wealth Hacks on FIRE is geared towards people aged 25 to 50 who are in the workforce and desire to become financially independent so they can choose to retire early from the workforce on their own terms. My latest book contains many non-mainstream approaches to FIRE. After all, the will to FIRE is non-mainstream, so people with the desire to FIRE are already dissatisfied with traditional investment thinking, structure and timelines. Suffice to say, I am confident that if you employ the tools presented in this book, you will find yourself in a much better financial position in the end.
My second book titled Financial Freedom for Every Canadian is all about tips and advice that I wish someone had taught me about when I was young. It's about sharing what I’ve learned because it is my genuine wish for every Canadian to get ahead regardless of their level of income. I wrote the book in plain, clear language for anyone to understand how wealthier people save, invest and retire comfortably.
My first book, titled Retire Younger Canada, is about the tactics we employed to gain financial independence and retire young. The tactics are not a system. There is no magic. You still need to work hard and save diligently. The key is how you structure your hard earned savings so that you can earn a good income that can support your work free lifestyle much sooner than you ever thought possible.
Going forward, we're going to blog about our travel experiences and hopefully inspire others to move beyond their day to day working drudgery and follow their own passions.

Written for those between
25 to 50 who want financial independence and to retire early.
This book will benefit anyone wanting to maximize retirement cashflow.

For anyone wanting to
improve their personal finances and build wealth.
Great gift for people under 30.

Are you 'done' and ready for retirement but not sure if you can afford to? This is your book.
Warning: Foul language.